203: Culture Leaders

You’ll find the majority of this Persona living in Sydney, mostly renting apartments as well as a small cluster around Gold Coast and other regions of Queensland. A mix of Australian born, European and Asian born make up this culturally diverse Persona.

Cultural Leaders are highly educated – indeed they are the most educated of all the Personas in the Metrotech Community.

They are career focused and highly intellectual but also value family life, making them a little less brash than some of their Community peers. 

When it comes to mindset they are highly progressive and socially aware. Issues like global warming and climate change rank among their top concerns. But all of this concern about serious issues doesn’t mean that they don’t like to live it up; they’re social, love fashion, shopping online, eating out and enjoying a glass of wine or premium beer at upmarket pubs.

They are also passionate about culture – theatre, books and going to the cinema particularly. They tend to avoid mainstream media – commercial TV particularly, in fact many skip it altogether. Instead they prefer to stream content via SVOD platforms such as Netflix. They also like to keep abreast of what’s happening in the economy by reading the business section of the newspaper. 

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Culture Leaders persona

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