205: Libertarians

Libertarians are highly intellectual, focused on success and believe in taking risks to make their dreams comes true.

Most are Australian born, along with a significant proportion of those born in Asia, the UK and New Zealand. A significant proportion work in the public service.

They are highly educated and many are young singles, and close to a quarter are still studying. You’ll find most of these inner city semi-detached terrace and townhouse occupiers renting in Melbourne, along with smaller clusters in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. 

They are highly social and spend much of their time out and about or in the air – travelling for work and leisure both domestically and overseas. Home is little more than a place to sleep – meals are either eaten out in restaurants and cafes or home delivered, enjoyed with a premium beer or glass of wine.

They shun traditional media, particularly commercial TV, instead relying on mobile for entertainment and information to organise their busy work, study and social lives. 

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Libertarians persona

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