209: Sociable Trendsetters

People belonging to this Persona share a youthful optimism, embrace changes and are driven by the desire for an exciting life. They love fashion and care about how they look. They see themselves as the kind of people who set trends rather than follow them and don’t hesitate to try a new brand or product if it has the right kind of buzz to attract their attention. Not surprisingly, they are also likely to be extroverted and love being in a crowd.

4 in 10 Sociable Trendsetters were born in Asia, mainly from India, and around the same proportion are aged between 25-34. You’ll find the majority of this child-free Persona renting an apartments in Sydney along with a smaller cluster in Melbourne.

Around a third are still studying, while a similar proportion lives in shared households.

While they love to jump on the wagon when it comes to a new health food, they are also big consumers of takeaway.

Sociable Trendsetters are likely to skip traditional media – commercial TV in particular – in favour of mobile, which they rely on for information and entertainment and to organize their busy social lives. However, when it comes to advertising, they are much less cynical than their Metrotech peers – indeed they tend to find ads interesting and welcome ads on their mobile.

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Sociable Trendsetters persona

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