210: Academic Optimists

Academic Optimists are highly optimistic and love trying new things and seek out new experiences. They are committed followers of trends, quick to race out and buy the latest make-up and fashion and try the latest fad diet or health food – especially the cheap and cheerful kind.

They are the youngest of the Metrotechs. More than half are Asian-born students – mainly from China – living in shared households. You’ll find most renting apartments in Sydney and Melbourne. 

Fulltime study means Academic Optimists are living off modest incomes but this doesn’t dampen their love of getting out and about.

While typical of their Australian born peers when it comes to their exuberance and enthusiasm, they are more conservative despite their youth, with a strong focus on family and traditional values.

Technology is central for Academic Optimists. They are likely to be heavy Internet users and are the most likely of all the Metrotechs to skip commercial TV altogether.

However, when it comes to advertising, they are much less cynical than most other Metrotechs– indeed they tend to find ads interesting and welcome ads on their mobile.

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Academic Optimists persona

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