305: Trend Hunters

Bursting with youthful optimism, Trend Hunters love fashion and beauty and will seek out new trends that will attract attention and get them noticed. They thrive off new experiences and dream of an exciting life and prosperous future.

You’ll find almost all of the people who belong to this Persona living in Sydney clustered in Central Sydney, the North West, Northern and Southern suburbs, renting apartments, with around one quarter living in shared households.

Trend Hunters are the most culturally diverse Persona in the Aspirationals Community; only 4 in 10 were born in Australia. Half were born in Asia – a mix of China, India and other parts of Asia. 

They are also amongst the youngest of the Aspirationals Community – 8 in 10 are under 35 and of those, half are under 24.

They are highly educated, optimistic, career- focused and geared towards success, and place value on demonstrating their achievements to the world.

They shun traditional media, particularly commercial TV, instead spending much of their leisure time online. Technology plays a central role in their lives – they are highly mobile centric, relying on their phones for information and entertainment and to manage their busy social lives. Not surprisingly, they don’t hesitate to upgrade their phones when a new iteration is released. 

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Trend Hunters persona

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