403: Rustic Heartland

As the name suggests, Rustic Heartlanders live in rural Australia and are traditional when it comes to their values. You’ll find some small business owners among them along with a high proportion who work in agriculture. When it comes to household income, they sit close to the average Australian. Around half own their homes outright, bestowing them with a sense of financial security.

The great majority are Australian born and live in separate houses. They are likely to be older, around half are aged 50+ and many are already retired. 

he majority of them live in rural Australia. You’ll find them spread fairly evenly around New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, along with smaller clusters in Western Australia.

Rustic Heartlanders are content with their lot in life, which revolves around the home. They love doing DIY projects around the house. They are proud of their achievements and place value on demonstrating them to the world.

When it comes to leisure, fishing and watching sport are big passions amongst Rustic Heartlanders.

They are conservative when it comes to mindset and likely to lament society’s shifting values. You’ll find many Liberal/National voters among them and they look to the government to manage the economy, take care of national security and illegal immigration. 

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Rustic Heartland persona

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