405: Safe and Secure

Safety and security are key concerns for this Persona; they worry about crime and protecting their personal safety and that of their family. This general sense of vigilance also makes them likely to be suspicious of the motivations of others, particularly government and corporations.

Safe and Secure are busy young parents and midlife families, along with some single parents, focused on building security and paying off the mortgage. You’ll find them clustered most significantly in the outer suburbs of Queensland and Victoria. 

A very high proportion are paying off their home, which is likely to be a full house – you’ll find many 5+ person households among them.

They are mostly Australian born. When it comes to mindset, they are more shy and introverted than their Community peers, preferring to stay in and focus on their own lives than venture out too much or engage with woes of the world. Watching commercial TV – reality TV and sport – take up a large slice of leisure time.

They are also keen consumers of fast food, takeaway and home delivery. Apart from spending on food and the odd flutter at the TAB or the casino, they tend to be careful with spending and enjoy bargain hunting, reading catalogues and shopping in discount stores to make savings. 

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Safe and Secure persona

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