408: Cautious Conservatives

Cautious Conservatives are amongst the oldest in the 400 Hearth and Home Community; the majority are 50+. As the name suggests, Cautious Conservatives are likely to be very traditional when it comes to mindset and are wary of new things and ideas. One in 3 are aged over 65 and already retired. Despite living off limited retirement incomes, Cautious Conservatives enjoy a strong sense of financial security, owing to a very high proportion of outright home ownership.

Most enjoy life away from the hustle and bustle of big cities in country areas of Victoria and New South Wales in separate houses, among smaller clusters in other states.

Life revolves around the home, tinkering around the house and doing home improvement projects, or watching TV and flicking through catalogues in search of a bargain.

They prefer traditional media, happily leaving technology and the internet to the grandkids.

They are likely to feel overwhelmed by too much change, on both a social and personal level, and to lament society’s shifting values. You’ll find many Liberal voters among them.

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Cautious Conservatives persona

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