409: Relaxed Living

Relaxed Living enjoy the fruits of a successful life. Socially aware and engaged in arts and culture, the majority are aged 50+ and many are already retired. They love being out in nature – walking along the beach, spending time in the garden or a day out on the water fishing. They’re also social and engaged in arts and culture.

You’ll find them living in rural areas of Victoria and New South Wales. Amongst those who are still working, you’ll find many self- employed and farm workers. 

Despite living on limited retirement incomes, people belonging to the Relaxed Living Persona enjoy a strong sense of financial security, owing to a high proportion of outright home ownership. Most are married, along with a significant proportion living alone.

Relaxed Living are more socially aware and progressive than some of their Community peers. The ABC and SBS are their preferred TV channels, and they like to keep up with what’s happening with the economy and business conditions by reading the newspaper. 

Figure 1 indicates most likely demographics, likes, hobbies, interests and lifestyle of the Relaxed Living persona

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